新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英魂猎手精灵如何进阶


Souls Hunter wizard how advanced

2015-08-11 18:52:07来源: 4399

4399英魂猎手的救世主们是不是对精灵的进阶有浓厚的兴趣,精灵进阶就可以增加精灵的战斗力哦!下面小编Seven就和大家说说关于精灵进阶的攻略。 英魂猎手精灵的进阶步骤: 一、打开精灵背包点击选择想要进阶的精灵。 二、选择完想要进阶的精灵之后,点击图中的进阶进入到进阶的页面。 三、...

4399 souls hunter of the Savior who is not on the elves of advanced interest and advanced wizard can increase the combat effectiveness of the elves! The following small Seven talk about elves advanced raiders. Advanced steps: first, soul Hunter elf elf open backpack Click to select the desired advanced spirit. Two, choose to end the advanced wizard, click advanced into the advanced page. Three,...