新关注 > 信息聚合 > 布局中国电竞泛娱乐 七煌获6000万元A轮融资

布局中国电竞泛娱乐 七煌获6000万元A轮融资

Layout of the Chinese eSports pan entertainment seven Huang received 60 million yuan a round of financing

2015-08-11 18:52:07来源: 天极网


2015 year is a year of rapid development of the gaming industry in China, both the League of legends S5 held the expected size, or the dota2 ti5 jackpots, adumbrative gaming will this year be a breakout year. In this background, China gaming ushered in a wave of greater opportunities and challenges. Seven and won the LIAN gaming investment of 60000000 yuan A round of investment in February 2015. With MOBA class travel...

标签: 电竞