新关注 > 信息聚合 > 好游戏打包送福利 《圆圈100点》《屋顶狂奔》降..

好游戏打包送福利 《圆圈100点》《屋顶狂奔》降..

Good game packaged send welfare the circle 100 "canabalt drop..

2015-08-08 07:32:15来源: 任玩堂

知名游戏开发商 Semi Secret Software 公司制作的游戏大多风格独特,且玩法新颖。近日该厂商旗下的两款游戏—— Hundreds 《圆圈 100 点》和 Canabalt 《屋顶狂奔》都有不同程度的降价活动,一起来看看吧! 20 元→ 12 元 Hundreds 《圆...

well-known game developer semi secret software company produced the game most of the unique style and innovative gameplay. Recently the vendor's two games - hundreds of people the circle 100 points "and canabalt canabalt have different degrees of reduction activity, together and see it! 20 yuan, 12 yuan, yuan Hundreds...

标签: 游戏