新关注 > 信息聚合 > 收徒弟得经验《大国》师傅玩法心得


Apprentice experience "power" master gameplay experience Sina

2015-07-23 17:21:29来源: 新浪

无限流英雄国战网游《大国》已经开启不删档测试1周了,PK人气火爆,洛阳城欣欣向荣,各个国家各大帮派都在为即将到来的国战与国王争霸赛积极备战。对于《大国》玩家前中期来说,等级是放在第一位的,但很多人光顾着做任务升级了,却忽略了一些玩法上的捷径。下面就来介绍一下《大国》中的师傅玩法心得。 ...

infinite stream hero of war games "big" has been opened does not delete files test 1 week, the popular hot PK, Luoyang city flourishing, each country each big gang are in for the upcoming national war and King hegemony race to actively prepare for war. For the "big country" players in the middle, the level is placed in the first place, but a lot of people to do the task to upgrade, but overlooked some of the shortcut. Below to introduce "big country" in the master play experience. ...