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诠释夏季色彩 《神魔大陆2·觉醒》新品上市

Interpretation of color in summer the ghost, 2 - Awakening new listing

2015-07-23 17:38:16来源: 17173

《神魔大陆2?觉醒》暑期激情冒险旅程正式展开,今日迎来重磅更新内容。全新的竞技时代拉开序幕、重大反攻节日活动亮相大陆、多彩靓丽时装、魔宠引爆夏日激情……克兰蒙多的勇士们,你们准备好了么? 全新竞技时代来临 【跨服竞技 全新征程】 《神魔大陆2·觉醒》跨服竞技场第五赛季将全面开启,...

the ghost, 2? Awakening summer passion adventure officially launched, today ushered in heavy update content. A new competitive era opened the prelude, a major counterattack Festival debut, and beautiful and colorful fashion, familiars detonated summer passion...... The warriors Kelan Meng and more, are you ready? The new competitive era coming [inter service competitive new journey to the mythical, 2 - Awakening inter service arena season 5 will be fully open,...