新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炉石传说冠军的试练相关蓝贴汇总(实时更新中)


Hearthstone champion trial practice related blue paste summary (updated in real time)

2015-07-23 17:20:24来源: 4399

于7月23日,炉石传说新版本冠军的试练首次曝光,随之,一些关于新版本的问题以及新卡的机制随之而来,下面399简木为大家汇总下炉石传说冠军的试练蓝贴汇总。 竞技场奖励 关于竞技场的奖励问题,以前有诸多抱怨,网友有过关于奖励代币的想法,最后自己选择卡包;暴雪这次做出了改变,新手将可以从竞...

on July 23, the hearthstone champions of the new version tried to practice for the first time exposure. Subsequently, some about the new version and new card mechanism followed. Following 399 Jane wood for everyone summary under the hearthstone legends champion practice blue post summary. The arena rewards on arena reward problem, used to have many complaints, users have had thoughts about token reward, finally choose the pack of cards; the snowstorm made a change, the novice will be from competing.

标签: 炉石传说