新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天下X天下英雄爆料:BOSS级角色详析


World X World Heroes broke the news: boss level role deliberates the

2015-07-13 17:27:38来源: 4399

大荒七载,网易天下系列塑造了不少被玩家奉为本命的男神人物,他们在端游中是最强BOSS级的NPC人物,但在手游《天下X天下》中,玩家得以自由操控他们。今日跟随小编,来看看玉玑子、七夜、东皇太一这三位人气男神在手游中脑洞大开的设计思路。 【玉玑子:逆天弑神的传奇】 玉玑子,大荒最著名的角...

wilderness for seven years, world series of Netease shaped many internationally regarded the life of the man of God, they in the end of the tour is the strongest boss level NPC characters, but in the travel the world x world ", the player is able to freely manipulate their. Today follow Xiaobian see jade Jizi, seven nights, Donghuang too a the three popular male god in hand travel midbrain hole open design ideas. Jade: [Jizi legend] jade Jizi guards to kill a wild, the most famous angle...