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《光荣使命OL》登WCA惊艳首秀 全民FPS再添力作

"Glorious mission ol" Deng WCA stunning debut national FPS adds masterpiece

2015-07-05 17:33:48来源: 电玩巴士

7月5日,在上海东亚展览馆WCA2015中国区资格赛的舞台,国内首款具有自主知识产权的军事游戏《光荣使命OL》明星表演赛正式开启,由顶级职业战队龙焱迎战劲敌天禄。多张地图的鏖战过后,最终,龙焱战队凭借稳定的发挥总比分2:1拿下天禄。 《光荣使命OL》系由巨人网络、南京军区与光荣使命网...

7 month on the 5th, in the Shanghai East Asia Exhibition Hall WCA2015 region and the Chinese qualifying stage, the domestic first with independent intellectual property rights of Military game "glorious mission ol" the star of the show season officially opened, by the top professional team Long Yan against rival Tianlu. Later, a number of maps in the final, Long Yan Clan with steady play total score 2:1 win tianlu. "Glorious mission OL" system by the giant network, Nanjing military region and the glorious mission...

标签: PS