新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小编走发布会之关注公益《龙枪觉醒》发布会


Xiaobian go conference focus on public welfare Dragonlance awakening conference

2015-06-19 06:50:11来源: 电玩巴士

小编走发布会之关注公益《龙枪觉醒》发布会 6月18日由游久发行、巨人网络研发的国民级动作手游《龙枪觉醒》在北京举行了游戏发布会暨觉醒基金启动仪式,会上游久游戏公布了全新的渠道政策及慈善基金计划,游久游戏CEO刘亮、巨人网络CEO纪学锋、V爱基金发起人赵薇等出席本次活动。小编在参加完整...

Xiaobian go conference focus on public welfare Dragonlance awakening Conference on June 18 by long travel issue, giant network research and development of national class action mobile game Dragonlance awakening in Beijing held the Games cloth cum fund awakening ceremony, will tour game for a long time announced the new channel policy and charity fund plan and swim long game CEO Liu Liang, giant network CEO Ji Xuefeng, V love fund sponsor Zhao Wei, attended the event. Small series in the complete...