新关注 > 信息聚合 > 尤菲来了~《最终幻想7 重制版 Intergrade》6月10日发售

尤菲来了~《最终幻想7 重制版 Intergrade》6月10日发售

Here comes yofi. Final Fantasy 7 remaking intergrade goes on sale on June 10

2021-02-26 06:44:05来源: 游戏时光

《最终幻想7 重制版》的 PS5 内容扩充版《最终幻想7 重制版 Intergrade》于今日的「State of play」发布会上正式公开,新增篇章「尤菲篇」, 6 月 10 日登陆 PS5 平台。视频地址拥有《最终幻想7 重制版》 PS4 版的玩家可免费升级至 PS5 版,存档转移,不过尤菲篇单独收费。包含尤菲篇的标准版售价 69.99 美元。「尤菲篇」的介绍:玩家将扮演尤菲·如月,一个从五台潜入米德加的忍者,和雪崩总部共同完成一项任务,从神罗公司偷取「ultimate materia」。新章节将包含新角色,更完善的战斗系统,从新的角度来看待《最终幻想7 重制版》的故事。 《最终幻想7 重制版 Intergrade》将拥有支持画面/性能模式,改善加载时间和贴图,普通难度可开启经典模式

The ps5 content expanded version of Final Fantasy 7 remaking intergrade was officially released at today's "state of play" press conference, adding a new chapter "Youfei" and landing on the ps5 platform on June 10. Video address with "Final Fantasy 7 remaking" PS4 version of the player can be free to upgrade to ps5 version, archive transfer, but Youfei article separate charge. The Standard Version, which includes Youfei's article, costs $69.99. Introduction to UFI: players will play UFI Ruyue, a ninja who sneaks into midga from Wutai, and complete a task with avalanche headquarters to steal "ultimate material" from Shenluo company. The new chapter will include new characters, better combat system, and a new perspective on the story of Final Fantasy 7 remaking. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "Final Fantasy 7 remaking intergrade" will have support for picture / performance mode, improve loading time and mapping, and open classic mode for ordinary difficulty

标签: 最终幻想