新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《托尼·霍克职业滑板1+2》3月26日登陆次世代和Switch


"Tony Hawk Pro skateboarding 1 + 2" landed on next generation and switch on March 26

2021-02-24 08:57:08来源: 游戏时光

继昨日任天堂美国与托尼·霍克、古惑狼官方推特互动透露“托尼·霍克职业滑板”上全新平台的消息,今日动视官方正式宣布初代和二代的高清合集版《托尼·霍克职业滑板1+2》将于 3 月 26 日 PS5/Xbox One X/Switch 平台。 视频地址已购买《托尼·霍克职业滑板1+2》本世代版本的玩家可以 10 美元的价格将游戏升级为次世代版本,曾购买 PS4 数字豪华版的用户则可免费进行升级,PS5/Xbox One X 版本将支持 1080P+120 帧或 4K+60 帧画面表现、Xbox One S 版本也将支持 1440P 或伪 4K 画面,除此之外次世代版本还加强了环绕音等内容,并支持存档共享和一系列复古装扮。

Following yesterday's official twitter interaction between Nintendo America and Tony Hawk, Gu Huo Lang revealed that "Tony Hawk Pro skateboard" is on a new platform, today's Activision officially announced that the first generation and second generation high-definition version of "Tony Hawk Pro skateboard 1 + 2" will be launched on the ps5 / Xbox one X / switch platform on March 26.    Video address: players who have purchased the current generation version of Tony Hawk Pro skateboard 1 + 2 can upgrade the game to the next generation version for $10. Users who have purchased the PS4 digital luxury version can upgrade it for free. The ps5 / Xbox one X version will support 1080p + 120 frames or 4K + 60 frames, and the Xbox one s version will also support 1440p or pseudo 4K In addition, the next generation version also enhances surround sound and other content, and supports archive sharing and a series of retro costumes.   

标签: Switch