新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星Note 5将新增Write on PDF功能

三星Note 5将新增Write on PDF功能

Samsung note 5 will add September this year, the write on PDF function

2015-07-06 23:46:36来源: dospy智能手机网

今年九月,我们将迎来两大重量级新品苹果iPhone 6S和三星GALAXY Note 5,最近有关两机的消息也被频繁曝光出来。如今,爆料大神@OnLeaks给我们带来了三星GALAXY Note 5...

. We are will usher in two heavyweight Apple's new iPhone 6S and Samsung Galaxy note 5, news about the recent two machine is also frequently exposed. Now, the God @OnLeaks broke the news brought us the Samsung GALAXY Note 5...

标签: 三星