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《战西游》新职业嫦娥登场 身躯娇小竟是肉盾

"Westward Journey" new war occupation Chang debut body Petite unexpectedly is a meat shield

2014-12-18 06:00:17来源: 17173

西游神话幻想PK网游《战西游》即将12月20号震撼推出新职业嫦娥仙子,嫦娥仙子在游戏中将担任肉盾职业。靓丽的身影与刚硬的防御形成的鲜明对比。新职业的神秘面纱就让我们一起共同揭开。 嫦娥仙子造型特色...

West Myth Fantasy online games PK "war" is about to launch the new West in December 20th shocked the occupation the goddess of the Moon Fairy, the fairy Chang E in the game the occupation as a meat shield. In sharp contrast to the beautiful figure and rigid defensive formation. The mysterious veil of new occupation of the let us work together to jointly open. The goddess of the Moon Fairy modeling feature...