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杨坤正牌女友露脸 或为圈内人(图)

Yang Kun girlfriend appearance or insider (Figure)

2014-07-15 18:22:00来源: 中国新闻网

7月10日,《中国好声音》官方微博发布了一条“好声音美女观众”的组图,该微博下一则来自杨坤资深粉丝的留言“第二张……像不像……就是吧”似乎暗藏玄机。 而记者也收到可靠爆料:日前,在第三季《中国好声音》首次录制的间隙,一名长发女子跟着杨坤到导师休息间休息。在休息间门口,杨坤偶遇齐秦,并...

7 month 10 days, "good sound" Chinese official micro-blog issued a "good sound beauty audience" photos, the micro-blog next from the Yang Kun fans. "Second...... Like...... Is it "seems to be hidden hsuanchi. And the reporter also received reliable news: Recently, the gap in the third quarter China first recorded "good voice", a long haired girl followed Yang Kun to tutor rest breaks. The door in the rest room, Yang Kun met Chyi Chin, and...