新关注 > 信息聚合 > 囧!国足在这十年没赢球 佩兰首败就在深体

囧!国足在这十年没赢球 佩兰首败就在深体

Embarrassing! In this decade did not win Perrin first defeat is in deep body

2015-09-04 00:10:16来源: 新浪

深圳难言国足"福地" 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月3日晚,世预赛亚洲区40强小组赛重燃战火,中国男足坐镇深圳宝安体育场迎战中国香港队。比赛中中国队占尽优势却未能完成破门,在全场占据主动的情况下被中国...

Shenzhen can hardly be Orangemen "blessed" sina sports news Beijing time on September 3 days of evening, World Cup Asian Zone top 40 group match to rekindle the flames, sits of the Chinese Soccer Team Shenzhen Baoan Stadium against Hong Kong, China team. The game Chinese team advantage has failed to accomplish the goal, in the audience take the initiative by the Chinese...