新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新闻晚报:马云称阿里今年冻结新增员工


Evening news: Ma said Ali this year freeze on new employees

2015-04-28 16:51:30来源: 新浪

马云提出更新阿里集团十周年时确立的目标,“2009年,我们提出为一千万家企业提供生存、成长和发展的平台,为全世界创造一亿就业机会,为全世界十亿消费者服务。今天我们把十亿消费者改为二十亿。” 日渐...

Ma Ali group ten anniversary of the establishment of the goal, "in 2009, we provide the survival, growth and development platform for the ten million enterprises, and create one hundred million jobs for the world, for the world's one billion customer service. Today we have one billion customers to two billion." Day by day...