新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015全国徒步大会开幕 千余爱好者齐聚浙江定海

2015全国徒步大会开幕 千余爱好者齐聚浙江定海

2015 National Assembly on foot opening more than a thousand fans gathered in Dinghai of Zhejiang

2015-10-24 18:59:51来源: 中国新闻网

中新网舟山10月24日电(记者 林波)10月24日,由中国登山协会、浙江省舟山市定海区人民政府、舟山市体育局联合主办的2015“徒步中国—神行定海山”全国徒步大会在全国最美休闲乡村浙江定海新建社区举行,来自国内外1500余名登山爱好者参与此次活动,标志着2015徒步中国活动在定海区正式启...

new Zhoushan Network October 24 (reporter LiMPO) on October 24, by 2015 Chinese Mountaineering Association, Zhejiang Province, Dinghai District, Zhoushan City People's government, Zhoushan City Sports Bureau jointly organized the "walk of God in China set seamounts" National Assembly on foot in the most beautiful leisure village Dinghai of Zhejiang new community held, from home and abroad more than 1500 climbers in the event, marking the 2015 hiking activities in China in Dinghai District was officially opened...