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Let the blood of regional economic development Tongmai Chang

2015-08-12 02:01:45来源: 中国青年网

肩负“领航长吉图,博动东北亚”使命的兴隆综保区,如何进一步发挥区位优势,释放平台效应,让长吉图区域经济发展血通脉畅? 兴隆综保区在建设中一直没有停止行动。 它是长吉图开发开放的新平台。随着进口商品保税、企业货物入区即退税、“属地报关,口岸验放”、与大窑湾港检验检疫直通放行等业务全...

shoulder "pilot of Chang Ji Tu, Bo moving Northeast Asia" mission of the booming fully protected areas, how to further play to regional advantages, release platform effect, Tongmai Chang Long Ji regional economic development of blood? Xinglong comprehensive protection zone in the building has not stopped action. It is a new platform for the development of open Changjitu. With imported bonded goods, enterprise goods into the area that the tax rebate, the "territoriality declaration, port clearance, and Dayaowan Port Inspection and quarantine through the release of a business.