新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘亦菲蒋勤勤马伊琍舒淇张柏芝 惊看荧屏玉女抽烟照

刘亦菲蒋勤勤马伊琍舒淇张柏芝 惊看荧屏玉女抽烟照

Liu Jiang Qinqin Mai Li Shu Qi Cecilia Cheung shocked to see Lady screen smoking according to

2015-05-24 16:22:04来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:荧幕上的清纯玉女私下不乏“烟枪”,“神仙姐姐”刘亦菲,“邻家女孩”周迅,“知性美女”徐静蕾,“国民好媳妇”马伊琍。 日前,陈乔恩抽烟照曝光令其在一众粉丝心中的清纯形象幻灭。照片中,陈乔...

core tip: screen ingenue privately there is no lack of "Bong", "fairy sister Liu Yifei," girl next door "Zhou Xun," intellectual beauty "Xu Jinglei," national good daughter-in-law Ma Yili. Recently, Joe Chen smoke exposure to all the fans in the hearts of the image of pure disillusionment. In the photo, Chen Qiao...