新关注 > 信息聚合 > 狂龙戴甲斩阎罗 解读《斩千军》骁将职业

狂龙戴甲斩阎罗 解读《斩千军》骁将职业

Kuanglong interpretation of Dai Jiazhan Yama "cut the total annihilation" valiant general professional

2015-08-24 19:56:59来源: 天极网

专为战争直男打造的3DMMO新游《斩千军》首测火爆进行中。骁将可以使用刀盾、长枪两种不同的武器。装备刀盾可以带来较高的物理防御能力,适用于在大型团队中充当坦克的角色。而长枪拥有大量输出技能伤害高,在PVP中有着较大的优势。今天就为大家解读《斩千军》中的骁将职业。 抢夺激活码>> ht...

designed for war straight to create 3dmmo travelogue "cut the total annihilation" first test carried out in the hot. You can use the knife, spear shield hero two different weapons. Equipped with shield can bring higher physical defense capability, suitable for the role of tanks in large teams. The lance has a large number of high skill damage output, has a great advantage in PVP. Today we read "cut" in the general occupation army. Snatch activation code ht...