新关注 > 信息聚合 > 记者探访15中高考考点:近百只"犀利眼"盯考场


Reporter visited 15 college entrance examination test center: nearly a hundred "sharp eye" at indoor monitor in the examination room

2015-05-22 07:13:39来源: 半岛网

15中监控室内,工作人员正在检查监控设备运行状况。 用于检测使用电子设备进行考试作弊的各种仪器已到位。 距离高考还有半个多月的时间,除了考生们复习冲刺,各考点也开始忙碌起来,配备安全设备做好安...

15, staff are check monitor the operation status of equipment. All the instruments used to test the electronic equipment for cheating in exams are in place. From the entrance there are more than half a month of time, except for a spurt the examinees review, the center also began to busy, equipped with safety equipment to do a good job security.