新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国古代皇帝洞房有哪些习俗?天子有时也无奈


What are the customs of ancient emperors Chinese wedding? The emperor sometimes helpless

2015-11-01 16:16:17来源: 青岛网络电视台

洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时,久早逢甘雨,他乡遇故知,此乃人生四大乐事也。但对皇后而言,大婚往往是一种政治婚姻,有时很痛苦,也很无奈,难以体会到洞房花烛之夜的鱼水之欢。 皇帝娶妻的礼数古代帝王是如何成婚...

wedding night, Jinbangtiming, the long time every morning the rain, the event afar refresher, this but four of the pleasures of life also. But speaking of the queen, the wedding is often a political marriage, and sometimes painful, also very helpless, difficult to understand the joys of wedding night of fish and water. The emperor married courtesy of the ancient emperors to marry...