新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甘肃省4名才俊入围“千人计划”青年人才


Gansu province four talent finalists "one thousand plan" young talent

2016-03-16 17:44:07来源: 人民网甘肃视窗


, communication review, interview review, assessment and approval of the form of the public, review and approval procedures, batch of national "one thousand project" 12 young talents entrepreneurial talent list was unveiled on March 14th, four talents in gansu province, made the list is a professor at lanzhou university ShuXingZhong respectively, the Chinese academy of sciences researcher Li Yuehui, Xu Senmiao, Hu Xun compound in lanzhou. It is reported that the total of 558 people to be included in the group of 12 "one thousand plan" youth talents, and 57 people included in "one thousand people plan...