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A trick to help you heal social network news and severe dependence

2016-05-31 18:55:37来源: Tech2IPO

调查显示接近 65% 的人每天唯一的新闻接收渠道是社交网络的主页瀑布流,现在教您一招最简单的方法改变这个习惯。 社交网络不应该成为人们在生活中获取新闻的唯一渠道。 这一点的坏处在最近一段时间表现...

Survey shows that close to 65 percent of people every day to receive only news channel is the social network's homepage waterfall, now Jiaoninyizhao easiest way to change this habit. Social networks should not be the only channel for people to obtain news in life. This is the disadvantage in the most recent performance ...

标签: 社交