新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩寒踩滑板车做"过弯"动作 自称"我是车手"(图)

韩寒踩滑板车做"过弯"动作 自称"我是车手"(图)

Han Han on the scooter "cornering" claiming "I am a rider" (Figure)

2015-04-09 18:57:31来源: 中国新闻网

中新网4月9日电 今日,韩寒在微博晒出一张恶搞照,打趣自称:“我是车手。”照片中,韩寒戴着墨镜,穿着赛车服,右脚踩着一辆黑色滑板车,左腿跪在赛道边,做出一副摩托车比赛中车手过弯的模样,表情酷炫,看起来十分逗趣。 照片曝光后,网友也纷纷留言调侃,称戴着墨镜的韩寒是“盲人车手,身残志坚,...

in new network on 9 April, today, Han Han in a spoof of micro-blog drying out the photos, jokingly claiming: "I was the driver." Photo, Han Han wearing sunglasses, wearing overalls, right foot stepping on a black scooter, left leg kneel at the side of the track, riders turn make a motorcycle race in the cool appearance, expression, looks very funny. After the photo exposure, users also have a message ridicule, said Han Han is wearing sunglasses "blind driver, waist,...