新关注 > 信息聚合 > 平湖:厨房着火藏危机 消防紧急救援拎出数个煤气瓶

平湖:厨房着火藏危机 消防紧急救援拎出数个煤气瓶

Pinghu: kitchen fire emergency rescue of fire hidden crisis carry a number of gas bottle

2015-04-28 10:16:32来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:平湖市新华南路阿强肉蟹煲厨房着火,无人员伤亡,内有7个煤气瓶,情况十分紧急。火情就是命令,平湖消防中队立即派出一车七人迅速赶往火灾现场。 新蓝网讯 平湖市新华南路阿强肉蟹煲厨房着火,无...

core tip: Pinghu Xinhua Road Keung crab cooker kitchen on fire, no casualties, there are seven gas bottle, the situation is very urgent. Is the fire command, Pinghu fire squadron immediately dispatched a car seven people rushed to the scene of the fire. New network Pinghu Xinhua South Road, a strong Hardshell Crab pot kitchen fire, no...