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救护车遭车祸女护士口鼻流血救人 称没想到成网红

The ambulance car nose bleed save female nurses Red said unexpectedly into a net

2016-09-02 01:31:42来源: 中国新闻网

口 岳阳日报全媒体记者 王金河 刘康 8月26日,一名头发凌乱、口鼻流血,身着斑斑血迹服装的护士,站在马路边救护病人的照片在岳阳市民的朋友圈无限被转发。这位让无数人动容的护士就是巴陵医院骨外科护士长陈敏。当天,她和科室医护人员在护送一名重病患者的途中遭遇车祸,在昏迷中醒来的陈敏,强忍...

mouth Yueyang daily reporters Jin-he wang Liu Kang on August 26, a messy hair, nose bleeding, a blood dress nurse, standing in the road rescue patients photos in yueyang people infinite circle of friends is forwarded. The countless people nurse is ba ling arouses a head nurse bone surgery hospital psoriasis. On the same day, she and her department staff in escorting a critically ill patients in a car accident on the way, psoriasis, is in a coma wake up trying...