新关注 > 信息聚合 > 明星混搭反串太任性 网友戏称歌舞小品傻傻分不清

明星混搭反串太任性 网友戏称歌舞小品傻傻分不清

Star mix cross dressing too wayward friends joked silly dance pieces can not distinguish

2015-02-18 21:31:09来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 陶喆唱民歌,张也尝试R&B,还有羽泉的京剧,于魁智的流行歌曲……这是什么混搭!《明星反串闹醒春》让三组明星反串互唱对方作品,网友戏称,这是歌舞节目呢,还是小品呢? 华龙网2月18日20...

[Abstract] Tao singing folk songs, also try to R & B, and Yu Quan Peking Opera, Yu Kuizhi pop songs... This mix and match! "Star cross dressing wake-up spring" let three star playing and singing each other's works, friends joked, this is the dance program or in a sketch? Hualong, February 18th 20...