新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄子韬自曝理想的感情状态 最欣赏的女演员是杨幂

黄子韬自曝理想的感情状态 最欣赏的女演员是杨幂

Huang Zitao is the most appreciative actress in his ideal emotional state, Yang Mi

2017-12-07 20:28:48来源: 凤凰财经

凤凰网娱乐讯 12月7日,黄子韬接受《星速客SHOOT》的采访视频曝光。在采访中,黄子韬直言自己不喜欢贴在自己身上的“耿直BOY”的标签,并且自曝理想的感情状态是和恋人一起旅游购物,想亲就亲想抱就抱...

Phoenix net entertainment news December 7th, Huang Zitao accepted the "star speed guest SHOOT" interview video exposure. In the interview, Huang Zitao frankly they do not love put ourselves in the "upright BOY" label, and exposes the feelings of the ideal state is a tourist shopping and lover, want to want to hug hug kisses...