新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何韵诗为绯闻女友庆生 邓九云甜蜜晒礼物/图

何韵诗为绯闻女友庆生 邓九云甜蜜晒礼物/图

Denise Ho was rumored girlfriend birthday gift Deng Jiuyun sweet sun / map

2014-02-26 14:38:16来源: 中国青年网

邓九云甜蜜晒礼物 何韵诗微博为邓九云庆生 新浪娱乐讯 歌手何韵诗同绯闻女友邓九云的恋情日渐鲜明,适逢今日(2月26)是邓九云的31岁生日,阿诗立即在微博上为对方送上祝福。她说:“生日大快乐小姐9跟小姐!”相隔不久,邓九云在微博上发布素颜揽狗照片,同时展示一套梦寐以求的故事书,称:“...

sweet gift Denise Ho Deng Jiuyun sun micro-blog Nelson Deng Jiuyun the Sina entertainment news gossip girl singer Denise Ho and Deng Jiuyun romance is distinct, as of today (February 26) is Deng Jiuyun's 31 year old birthday, a poem immediately micro-blog blessing to each other. She said: "Happy Birthday to miss to miss 9!" Separated shortly, Deng Jiuyun released the makeup embrace dog photos in micro-blog, while showing a dream of story books, said:"...