新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑爽宣布与张翰分手 揭"花儿与少年"的幕后故事

郑爽宣布与张翰分手 揭"花儿与少年"的幕后故事

Zheng Shuang announced the break-up with Zhang Han Jie "flowers and young" behind the scenes story

2014-06-10 09:17:18来源: 山东新闻网


recently, Zhang Han served as guest "flowers and young" program is broadcast fiery in Europe, Zhang Han earlier leaked wedding after the holy land, it became the focus of attention and Zheng Shuang relationship. Zhang Han and Zheng Shuang had co starred "meteor shower" and finally, after two people play love into relationship. ...