新关注 > 信息聚合 > 给苹果补一刀 LG新笔记本续航长达24小时

给苹果补一刀 LG新笔记本续航长达24小时

New laptop for apple to fill one knife LG life for up to 24 hours

2017-01-03 01:39:24来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 资讯】近期苹果新MacBook Pro陷入了续航风波,尽管苹果在极力化解但影响难免。这也给竞争伙伴们一个打击它的机会,在续航时间堪称恐怖的联想ThinkPad X270发布后,L...

Recent PConline information 】 【 new apple MacBook Pro in the life, although apple to try to resolve the influence inevitably. This also gives competitive partners a chance to hit it, in the battery life is horrible lenovo ThinkPad X270 is released, the L...

标签: 苹果