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极美设计创新操作 金立S6 Pro系统体验

Very beautiful design innovation operation gionee S6 Pro system experience

2016-07-25 00:08:49来源: 手机之家

在采用了全新的品牌LOGO之后,金立S6 Pto成为了金立智能手机的又一部扛鼎之作。一体式金属机身设计,极速指纹识别都是其标志性特点。但是作为用户体验的另一重要端口,智能手机的UI直观影响到我们对一...

After adopting the new brand LOGO, gionee S6 regarding became gionee smartphones and a. One-piece metal fuselage design, fast fingerprint identification is its iconic features. But as another important port of user experience, smart phone UI directly affect us for a...