新关注 > 信息聚合 > 近400户无锡居民喜迁廉租房 每平方月租金仅5毛钱

近400户无锡居民喜迁廉租房 每平方月租金仅5毛钱

Nearly 400 residents wuxi XiQian per square of low-rent housing rent only fifty cents

2017-02-24 00:32:12来源: 人民网

廉租房住户翟师傅收拾着属于自己的家。谢娟 摄 一平方每个月的租金才5毛钱,还有配套的大超市以及便利的公交……这就是无锡廉租房带给困难住房家庭的方便。2月16日上午,家住新街家园小区的翟师傅向记者介绍了他家的居住情况,作为政府廉租房的受益者,他表示住房保障政策让他终于有了一个自己的“家...

Low-rent housing residents zhai teacher tidy up the home of their own. Xie Juan taken a square each month's rent to five hair moneys, and form a complete set of large supermarkets and convenient bus... This is wuxi low-rent housing brings difficult family housing is convenient. Morning of February 16, who lives in new street home village zhai teacher introduces to the reporter his family's living conditions, as beneficiaries of government housing, he says the housing safeguard policy to finally have a his own "home...