新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017年杭州市区各类高中学校特长生招生启动


2017 hangzhou of various high school performance start enrollment

2017-03-29 14:35:50来源: 浙江在线

日前,2017年杭州市区(指上城区、下城区、江干区、拱墅区、西湖区、滨江区和经济技术开发区、西湖风景名胜区、大江东产业集聚区,下同)各类高中学校(校区)招收体育、艺术和科技类特长生工作启动。 特长...

A few days ago, in 2017, hangzhou (refers to the uptown and downtown, jianggan district, gongshu district, depressed, binjiang, and economic and technological development zone, west lake scenic area, great river east industrial concentration area, the same below) of all kinds of high school (campus) for sports, art, and technology special immortal work start. Special skill...