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Cheap fair battle to cool inventory "Genghis Khan" seven deadly "most"

2015-05-19 15:34:48来源: 游久网

【游久网5月19日消息】时至今日,由麒麟游戏斥资上亿打造的经典PK网游《成吉思汗》已经走过了7个年头。该作至今仍受到玩家的持续热捧,已经化作很多玩家心目中关于热血和青春的特殊印记。历经7年,《成吉思汗》为何能持续发挥热度?今天我们将为您揭晓这部时代经典长盛不衰的七宗“最”。 《成吉思汗...

[swim long network may 19 news today, by kylin game to spend millions to create the classic PK online games "Genghis Khan" has gone through seven years. It is still under constant heat holding has turned into a lot of game player, game player in mind about the special mark of blood and youth. After 7 years, "Gen Gi Khan" why can continue to play the heat? Today we will provide you the classic era announced seven "most prosperous". "Gen Gi Khan...