新关注 > 信息聚合 > 地牢探索经典之作《魔岩山传说》手游版即将发布


Dungeon quest classic "magic rock legend" Mobile Games version of the upcoming release of

2015-02-10 15:58:11来源: 4399

提起《魔岩山传说》(Legend of Grimrock)就不得不说到地牢探险游戏的前辈之作《魔法门》系列,这款始于1983年的经典佳作,凭借完全开放的游戏世界,以及庞大的任务体系征服了一代又一代的玩家。而《魔岩山传说》系列就是此类游戏的后起之秀,继承了前辈们的衣钵,将探索、生存、战斗、...

filed a "magic" rock legend (Legend of Grimrock) have to talk about the dungeon adventure game predecessors for "magic door" series began in 1983, the classical works, with totally open game world, and a huge task system conquered generation after generation of game player. "Rock Legends" series and magic is the bright younger generation this kind of game, inherited the mantle of predecessors, will explore, survival, battle of,...

标签: 手游