新关注 > 信息聚合 > R马:我现在没房没车 希望通过苏宁加盟国米

R马:我现在没房没车 希望通过苏宁加盟国米

R Ma: I have no room and no car now. I hope to join Inter in Suning.

2016-07-24 13:56:31来源: 华体网

7月24日 在周中结束的中超联赛第18轮的比赛中,江苏苏宁外援罗杰-马丁内斯大放异彩,他在自己的处子秀中独中两元,帮助苏宁取得了一场酣畅淋漓的大胜。赛后,马丁内斯接受了阿根廷RadioAM570...

Jiangsu Ning foreign aid Roger Martinez scored two goals in his debut to help Suning win the 18th round of the Chinese Super League on July 24. After the game, Martinez accepted the Argentina RadioAM570.