新关注 > 信息聚合 > 绝不能坐视暴力电游沦为“精神毒品”


Will not allow violence video game into drug "spirit"

2018-02-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

几个月前,在湖南武陵山区的一个贫困县,沉迷于一款暴力电子游戏的15岁少年小唐,为了在现实中体验虚拟世界杀人的“刺激快感”,采用猛击头部、狠掐脖颈等手段将23岁的女邻居小西残忍杀害。据警方调查,两人并无仇怨。 在“互联网+”时代,玩电子游戏本是一个司空见惯的现象,但虚拟空间的事情竟然在现实里真实上演,令人震惊之极。 更令人不寒而栗的是,小唐杀人并非因一时冲动,甚至可以说是蓄谋已久。小唐交代,他从小学六年级开始在乡下、县城的网吧里接触各种暴力电游,对“侠盗飞车”尤其沉迷,玩家可以扮演“黑社会”杀人。据悉,“侠盗飞车”在青少年中普及程度很高,游戏操控的自由度很大,玩家可以靠撞车、杀人、抢劫等犯...

A few months ago, a county in hunan wuling mountain area, a violent video game addiction of 15-year-olds small tang, to experience a virtual world in reality a murderer "stimulate pleasure", the pounding head, malicious pinch neck will be 23 years old female neighbor small west brutal murder. According to the police investigation, two people not to try. In the era of "Internet +", playing computer games is a common phenomenon, but the virtual space of what had happened in the reality, very shocking. Even more chilling, small don not because the impulse to kill, even plan to already a long time. Little tang metasomatism, he from the sixth grade in the countryside, the county seat of Internet cafe to have access to all kinds of violent video game, the "grand theft auto" especially addicted, players can play "underworld" kill people. It is understood that the "grand theft auto" a high popularity among teenagers, the manipulation of great game, players can made by crash, murder, robbery, and so on...