新关注 > 信息聚合 > 勒沃库森主帅陷下课危机 德甲关键战定去留?

勒沃库森主帅陷下课危机 德甲关键战定去留?

Bayer leverkusen crisis manager in class The bundesliga decide whether a key battle?

2017-02-10 13:04:36来源: 华体网

上轮0-1负于汉堡之后,勒沃库森距离欧冠区越来越远。据德国媒体《图片报》的报道,药厂主帅施密特已陷入下课危机,周末与法兰克福一战的结果很有可能将会决定他的去留。 罗杰-施密特2014年夏天开始执教...

On the wheel after losing 1-0 to Hamburg, bayer leverkusen farther and farther away from the champions league. According to a report by the German media bild, pharmaceutical factory manager Eric schmidt is in crisis, class on weekends and Frankfurt are likely the result of the first world war will determine his future. Roger - schmidt began to coach in the summer of 2014...