新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《古剑奇谭》单机系列6月登陆腾讯TGP


The DLC and tan "single series on tencent TGP in June

2017-06-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

国产单机粉丝们依旧在热烈期待《古剑奇谭3》和《仙剑奇侠传七》,不过他们毕竟都还比较遥远。日前,《古剑奇谭1》和《古剑奇谭2》也有新消息,目前已经悄然上架腾讯TGP平台,显示将于今年6月份推出,目前暂无售价。 今年3月,腾讯TGP平台在官网发布了一个公告,公告称:腾讯游戏平台即日起将整合线上游戏资源,优化升级平台服务。 尽管腾讯并没有指出整合游戏资源之后TGP会具体打造成一个什么样的平台,但是已经有玩家和业内人士猜测出了腾讯的意图,那就是打造一个“国产Steam”。

Domestic stand-alone fans still warmly look forward to in the DLC, tan 3 "and" xianjian wonder pass seven ", but after all, they are very far away. A few days ago, the DLC, tan 1 "and" the DLC and tan 2 "also have a new message, has been quietly on tencent TGP platform, display will be launched in June this year, no price now. In march this year, tencent TGP platform website issued a notice, announcement: tencent game platform will integrate resources online games from now on, to optimize upgrade platform services. Although tencent did not point out that integration of game resources after the TGP will concrete into a what kind of platform, but there has been a player and insiders speculated the tencent's intentions, that is to build a "domestic Steam". & have spent

标签: 腾讯