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世界2风暴帝国日常任务攻略 日常快速完成技巧

The 2 Storm Empire daily tasks Raiders daily fast to complete daily tasks 2 Storm empire in the world, to strengthen the skills of

2015-04-18 23:06:12来源: 4399

在世界2风暴帝国中日常任务可以满足我们强化、升级等方面的需求,不过随便做的话也很影响金钱量,小编现在来讲下做日常的几个心得,希望对大家有点帮助。 锻炼5次:找个1级的没锻炼过的英雄去锻炼5次,当锻炼到10次左右的时候给他重置了,这样又可以从100银币一次的锻炼开始。 升级神格一次:黑...

can meet our needs and other aspects of the upgrade, but just do it is also affecting the money amount, Xiao Bian now do some daily experiences, we hope to help a bit. Exercise 5: find a level 1 did not exercise the hero to exercise 5 times, when the exercise to about 10 times for his replacement, so that from the beginning of the 100 coins a workout. A: Black upgrade godhead...