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盛天网络携手腾讯LOL 打造LNL全民电竞狂欢

Sheng Tian network to join Tencent LOL to create LNL universal electric contest Carnival

2018-08-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

8月15日开始,有关盛天网络与腾讯英雄联盟携手举办2018年英雄联盟全国网吧冠军联赛(LNL)的消息开始在网上流传。消息称,腾讯英雄联盟与盛天网络正式达成合作协议,将共同建立英雄联盟网吧赛事体系,并命名为英雄联盟全国网吧冠军联赛(LOL NATIONAL NETBAR LEAGUE,简称:LNL),联合布局和激活网吧场景。 据了解,本次LNL赛事将历时4个月,覆盖全国近百所城市的十余万家网吧,覆盖中国网吧渠道超过90%的市场,将进行超两万场网吧赛事,或成为有史以来腾讯电竞的最大规模赛事。在RNG全华班夺冠,电竞“入亚”这样一个振奋人心的电竞大年的背景下,如此规模的赛事的举办,将毫无疑问...

Starting on August 15, news began to circulate online about Shengtian Network and Tencent Hero Alliance jointly hosting the 2018 National Championship of Internet Cafes (LNL). Sources said that Tencent Hero Alliance and Shengtian Network formally reached a cooperation agreement, will jointly establish a hero League Online Cafe event system, and named the National Championship of the hero League (LOL NATIONAL NETBAR LEAGUE, abbreviated as: LNL), joint layout and activation of the Internet Cafe scene. It is understood that the LNL competition will last four months, covering more than 100,000 Internet cafes in nearly 100 cities across the country, covering more than 90% of the Chinese Internet Cafe channel market, more than 20,000 Internet Cafe events will be held, or Tencent will become the largest-scale competition ever. In the context of RNG China Class winning the championship and the exciting year of E-Sports "entering Asia", there is no doubt that such a large-scale event will be held.

标签: LOL 电竞 腾讯