新关注 > 信息聚合 > 十一重壕礼《大唐无双零》国庆等你来


Eleven heavy in the ritual "datang one like zero" National Day waiting for you to come

2016-09-30 11:17:39来源: 新浪

国庆小长假就要来了,各位豪侠想好怎么过了吗?今年国庆,《大唐无双零》为玩家准备了十一重好礼,就问哪家比!我!壕!这次国庆活动不比外面的妖艳贱货,我们既派送传统的经典礼包,也有各式各样的新奇玩法,既可以在游戏内领奖励,游戏外一样可以拿奖到手软。各位玩家,确定不来看看吗? 经典礼包庆九州...

National Day the long vacation is coming, everybody hao think how good? National Day this year, "datang one like zero" for players to eleven gifts, ask which than! Me!!!!!!! Trench! This National Day activity than the enchanting bitch, outside package we send both traditional ceremony, there are a variety of novel and play, either within the game get reward, outside the game can get prize to the adversary. Fellow players, make sure not to have a look? After the ceremony BaoQing kyushu...