新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张庆丰:当一名好医生是毕生追求(图)


Qing-feng zhang: when a good doctor is a lifelong pursuit (FIG.)

2017-04-20 22:29:21来源: 中工网

大连市中心医院系列报道(一) 张庆丰:当一名好医生是毕生追求 为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标,为实现中国梦夯实健康基础,在大连市中心医院,有这样一群白衣天使在无影灯下默默奋斗:他们耐心专注,用仁...

Dalian municipal central hospital series (a) George chang chang: when a good doctor is a lifelong pursuit In order to realize "two one hundred" goal, in order to realize China's dream laying solid foundation of health, in dalian municipal central hospital, have such a group of angels in the fan quietly struggle: they are patient focus, with the kernel...