新关注 > 信息聚合 > 关晓彤妈妈晒通知书:拒接吻戏 不反对女儿谈恋爱

关晓彤妈妈晒通知书:拒接吻戏 不反对女儿谈恋爱

Guan Xiaotong's mother's sun notification: refusing to kiss a play is not against her daughter's love affair.

2016-07-27 19:01:09来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京7月27日电(记者 娄晓)“发自内心的高兴,感谢为晓彤成长付出过的人们,感谢大家。”7月27日下午,关晓彤的妈妈李君在微信朋友圈晒出了关晓彤的北京电影学院录取通知书,并向中新网(微信公众号...

BEIJING, July 27 (Reporter Lou Xiao) "From the heart of the happy, thank you for Xiaotong growth paid people, thank you all. On the afternoon of July 27, Guan Xiaotong's mother Li Jun sunned Guan Xiaotong's admission notice to the Beijing Film Academy in the circle of Weixin friends and sent it to China News Network.