新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广厦官方宣布签中华台北强援 盼刘铮接班林志杰

广厦官方宣布签中华台北强援 盼刘铮接班林志杰

Guangsha officially announced the signing of the Chinese Taipei strong hope Liu Zheng to take over Lin Zhijie.

2016-05-28 02:57:30来源: 华体网

北京时间5月27日消息,广厦队官方宣布签下来自中华台北的刘铮,16-17赛季他将与林志杰并肩作战。消息人士透露,双方签下了一份2+2的合同。 现年25岁的刘铮身高1米92,司职锋卫摇摆人。已正式...

Beijing time on May 27, Guangxia officially announced the signing of Liu Zheng from Taipei, China, who will play alongside Lin Zhijie in the 16-17 season. According to sources, the two sides signed a 2+2 contract. Liu Zheng, 25 years old, is 1 meters tall and 92. Already formal...