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网易CC直播双倍奖励掉落 助阵OWL联赛收官之战

Netease CC live double reward fell * OWL league war games

2018-07-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一年前,暴雪游戏公布了守望先锋联赛的诞生,而在过去7个月中,我们见证了12支来自世界各地的顶级强队,在OWL联赛中展开激烈的厮杀,网易CC直播无数观众在每个比赛日准时收看一场又一场的赛事。而7个月过去了,OWL联赛S1赛季也迎来了最终的收官之战,在本周末7月28日-29日,只有一支队伍可以捧起冠军奖杯,伦敦喷火战斗机队和费城融合队,将在巴克莱中心球馆为我们带来史诗对决。 谁将成为新科冠军 事实上,在OWL季后赛开始之时,很多观众都没有预料到伦敦喷火战斗机队和费城融合队会在决赛会师。伦敦喷火战斗机队和费城融合队是季后赛的第五名和第六名队伍,他们勉强取得了季后赛的名额。但在过去两周的比赛...

A year ago, blizzard games announced the birth of the watchman pioneer league, and in the past seven months, we have witnessed 12 top teams from all over the world, the two battled each other fiercely in the OWL league, netease CC countless audience in every day on time to watch a live another tournament. And seven months later, the OWL also ushered in the final season S1 war games, on July 28, at the end of the week - 29, only one team can lift the trophy, foo fighters in London and Philadelphia fusion, barclays center will bring our epic showdown. Who will be the new champion In fact, the OWL when the playoffs begin, many viewers foo fighters are not expected to London and Philadelphia integration team will in the final. Foo fighters in London and Philadelphia fusion is the playoffs in the fifth and sixth team, they barely make the playoffs. But in the past two weeks...

标签: 网易 直播