新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新型量子位稳定性提高10倍


New qubits stability increased 10 times

2016-10-29 00:06:59来源: 人民网

缀饰量子位示意图 物理组织网近日载文称,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(UNSW)科学家最新开发出一种新的量子位,其量子叠加态稳定性比此前提高了10倍,有助于开发更可靠的硅基量子计算机。相关研究成果在线发表在《自然·纳米技术》上。 量子计算机的速度和能力有赖于量子系统对叠加在一起的多个量...

Compose ACTS the role of qubits schematic physics group netting astudy recently, scientists at the university of new south wales in Sydney, Australia (indian-born UNSW) newly developed a new qubits, the quantum superposition state stability is 10 times higher than the previous, help to develop more reliable silicon-based quantum computer. Related research results were published online in the journal nature nanotechnology. The ability and speed of quantum computer depends on the quantum systems more quantities of stack together...