新关注 > 信息聚合 > 58同城再遭投行减持:高盛套现约70万美元


The 58 city suffered another investment bank Goldman Sachs reduction: raise around $700000

2014-12-11 11:32:35来源: TechWeb

高盛集团目前持股比例 【TechWeb报道】12月11日消息,继投行摩根士丹利抛售31万股58同城股票之后,有一家投行高盛也在近期减持了58同城,减持数量约为1.7万股。 58同城提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件显示,截至11月30日,高盛集团持有58同城4,683,682股普通股。 ...

Goldman Sachs Group is currently the proportion of shareholding [TechWeb] the news reported in December 11th, after the investment bank Morgan Stanley to sell 310000 shares of 58 city stock, one investment bank Goldman Sachs in the recent reduction of 58 city, reducing quantity of about 17000 shares. The 58 city submitted to the American sec documents show, as of November 30th, Goldman Sachs Group holds 58 city 4683682 shares of common stock. ...